
(寰宇一家)联属成员的港龙航空,为国泰航空集团的一员,是一家以香港爲基地的国际航空公司。港龙航空于一九八五年成立,採用十四架空中巴士A330-300客机、六架空中巴士A321客机及十架空中巴士A320客机,提供客货运输服务。港龙航空的服务网路遍及亚太地区共二十九个航点,其中十七个位于中国内地。 港龙航空每周提供约四百班航班前往中国内地,爲旅客提供优质的航空服务。凭着其广阔的内地航空网络、频密的班次,以及在内地营运的丰富经验,港龙航空已连续六年在 Skytrax 研究机构的旅客调查中,获选爲「中国地区最佳航空公司」以及在二00八年选为「东南亚地区最佳区域航空公司」。 爲旅客提供优质服务是港龙航空坚守的承诺。港龙航空拥有极富国际经验的机组人员,而机舱服务员亦以专业精神,糅合亚洲传统的待客之道,爲旅客带来舒适惬意的飞行体验。舒适的机舱环境、精心挑选的餐饮膳食、多元化的机上娱乐节目,以及无微不至的服务,均旨在爲旅客提供世界级水平的航空服务。

Dragonair is a Hong Kong-based international airline, and a member of the Cathay Pacific Group. Established in 1985, the airline now operates a fleet of 15 A330-300s, six A321s and 10 A320s, in addition to four Boeing 747-200/-300 freighters and three 747-400 Boeing Converted Freighters. The airline's passenger service network covers 33 destinations across the Asia-Pacific region, including 21 in the China Mainland.

Dragonair operates about 400 flights a week to the Mainland, offering quality services to passengers around the region. The airline's expertise has been recognised in its winning the Best Airline - China category for six consecutive years in the respected Skytrax passenger survey, and the Best China Airline category two years in a row in the Business Traveller Asia-Pacific Annual Travel Awards.

Dragonair aims to ensure that its passengers' in-flight experience is as enjoyable and as comfortable as possible. The influence of traditional Asian hospitality is felt on each Dragonair flight through the personal service and attention to detail provided by dedicated and professional cabin staff. The airline is committed to continuous improvements in service to provide its passengers with an even more pleasurable and comfortable flying experience.

Dragonair's all-cargo operations were launched in the summer of 2000. We currently operate scheduled freighter services between Japan, the China Mainland and Taiwan from our hub of Hong Kong. In 2005, Dragonair was named Cargo Airline of the Year in the Centre for Asia Pacific Aviation's Awards for Excellence. We remain committed to expanding our freighter fleet and will take delivery of two more 747-400 Boeing Converted Freighters before the end of 2008.



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